Don’t Borrow Trouble

"Worry" is not a word often spoken in a kayak.
“Worry” is not a word often spoken in a kayak. (Photo by Ashley L. Jones)

Are you worried about how you’ll get through tomorrow, next week, or next year? Like me, you may have peace that God’s grace is sufficient for today, but you can’t help but worry about the future.

I wrote today’s blog, “Don’t Borrow Trouble,” a couple weeks ago. That was before I had to travel to Orange Park so my kitty, Sue, could have surgery. Thankfully, she’s doing very well, and I get to take her home today. But, I know worry; it comes in all shapes and sizes. However, no matter how big or how bad tomorrow looks, it never helps to worry about it today.

My new friend Lindsey P. Brackett understands. She has a beautiful blog site, Just Write Life, where she writes about faith, life, writing, and all the beautiful and difficult things in between. Lindsey graciously agreed to host my blog this week, which is included below for your convenience. Please click over to her site to find more encouragement. 

Do you ever imagine the person God wants you to be?

My perfect self is more compassionate and kind; she’s a better daughter, friend, and wife; she reads her Bible daily, prays always, and is completely focused on God.

My perfect self is a pretty cool chick.

I’m not there yet.

The Process

I know this is who God wants me to be, and I’m working on it. But, while my salvation was complete the moment I believed, being perfected by God is a process, or a journey.

Like any significant journey, we can’t start and finish in one day. In fact, God seems to have a plan for how far we should go each day and what we should accomplish along the way.

This is great news! Why?

The Steps

There is a huge gap between who I am today and who I’m meant to be. When I focus on that gap, I get overwhelmed and want to give up. But when God breaks it into small steps and reveals each step to me as I need it from moment to moment…well, that’s more doable.

I didn’t have to be the perfect friend or daughter today; I just needed to visit with my mentor and call Mom on the drive home. I don’t have to publish a book today; I just need to write a few sentences each day.

These are small steps, but they’re part of the greater journey.

No Skipping Ahead!

Sometimes I get excited and want to skip ahead to what I think God has planned for my future. (I’ll get up at 5am tomorrow and read my Bible and pray and write three blogs and finish my book and….)

That’s how I get in trouble. Not only do I miss the lessons I was supposed to learn today but—because I’m not following God’s timing—I fumble tomorrow’s lessons, too. I end up bogged down in confusion, worry, and even legalism, all because I tried to get ahead of God.

Jesus said we shouldn’t worry about tomorrow, for each day has its own trouble (see Matthew 6:31). I think He meant that He gives us the proper portion of opportunities and lessons for each day—as well as the grace to get through them and learn what we need to know.

We don’t have to borrow trouble from tomorrow; we’ve got enough on our plate for today!

Be Encouraged

I encourage you to seek God’s will for you in this moment. If you’re trying to skip ahead to tomorrow’s plan, then stop. Don’t put more demands on yourself than what God is putting on you right now.

Be content to wrestle with what God gives you today. Then you’ll be one step closer to the person He created you to be.

Author: Ashley L Jones

I love encouraging people, whether that means digging into the Bible or making a homemade meal in cast iron. Check out the About section of my blog ( for more details. Thanks for stopping by!

2 thoughts

  1. I love the phrase ” roses have the thorns and fairytales have flaws”! Great blog! Clear, simply written and inspiring . I loved the Matthew verse about not worrying about the future. I’ll work on that this week! 🐓🐞🌻

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