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A God-Given Resolution

It’s New Year’s! That time when we remember all the fun and heartache of the previous year and vow to have a better year this time around.

Resolutions are everywhere.

None of these resolutions are bad, but they’re all self-focused. They are the answers we give ourselves when we ask the question, “What do I want to get out of this new year?” or “How can I be a better person?”


Resolutions Meet Priorities

As Christians, God should be our Number One Priority. When we begin to put our efforts and focus on other things – people, items, money, or even personal goals – we turn them into idols. Remember the First Commandment, and keep God first. (Exodus 20:3-6)

His desires for our lives should trump everything else. We should constantly be aligning ourselves to His will. The real question, then, is “What is God’s will for me this year?”

We wonder why most resolutions don’t stick, but the answer is simple. If we want something that God doesn’t want for us, or if we want something faster than His time line allows, then it just won’t work.

It’s true that we can do all things through God who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)

But if we depend on our own strength, we labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1)

This year, I encourage you to put God first. Then, align your Resolutions with your Priorities.

Ask God what His will is for you for 2016: what does He want you to accomplish, and how does He want to work through you? Then – and this is the important part – be obedient to His call!

This year, I hope to publish a book for young women that God placed on my heart years ago. I’m already working nights and weekends on refining the message and finishing the chapters, as well as preparing the proposal. It will be so great to see the result of this project!

What about you? Please leave a comment with your God-given resolutions for 2016.

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