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Joy and Expectation

I love a comfortable home, so I’ve always been one to feather my nest. But now that I’m about 38 weeks into this pregnancy, my nesting instinct is at an all-time high.

It started with turning the guest room into the baby’s room. That required some deep cleaning, decluttering, and reorganizing, which spilled over to the rest of the house. Then there was the researching of all things baby-oriented, shopping, putting together of furniture, washing tiny baby clothes, and organizing everything (again). The pantry and freezer also had to be stocked to the brim, leading to more shopping as well as cooking. And all those household projects I’d been putting off for years? Yup, those had to be done, too…like yesterday.

Now that I’m having intermittent contractions (pause…here comes another one…), I can’t easily lift a laundry basket or swing a mop. Thankfully, Robby continues to be supportive and helpful, even when my demands don’t entirely make sense (like when I insisted our hurricane preparation had to include hanging pictures on the wall).


Preparing for Baby Jones

I don’t know the day or time that Baby Jones will arrive, but I do know he’s coming. I’ve researched pregnancy, labor, and delivery for the past nine months, and I know that it won’t be long. With each tick-tock of the second hand, I hear a whisper: “He’s coming. He’s coming. He’s coming.”

Still, this urgency doesn’t fill me with fear or dread but with joy and expectation. Yes, I know that I’ll have to go through pain, but the reward will be more than worth it, for I’ll get to take home my sweet Baby Jones.

Like all expectant moms, I daydream about my baby. What will he look like? Will he have Robby’s personality? Will we bond immediately? Will he be an easy baby? What in the world is he doing in there, gymnastics? I also dream of our future together as a family, and I pray for his health and wellbeing, both now and as an adult.

What I don’t do is focus on the impending labor, the sleepless nights, or the what-ifs. There’s just no point in dwelling on those things.


Preparing for Jesus

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus tells us to prepare ourselves for the day of the Lord. (I even wrote a blog on this topic recently.) For years, Christians have tried to pinpoint each obstacle the Church will endure as we wait for Jesus’ Second Coming. Unfortunately, this has created a sense of confusion, if not dread, for many people. They wonder, How long will we have to labor? How painful will it be? What, exactly, will it entail?

Only now, as I start my own personal labor, do I realize how wrong we’ve been. It’s not helpful to dwell on the tribulations we may endure. Instead, we should focus on the One Who is Coming. It’s all about Jesus. It always has been, and it always will be. [Click to Tweet.]

Jesus said He had to go to prepare a place for us, and He will return to claim us as His own. If we believe that—truly believe that—then nothing can be more important to the Church than to be ready when our King returns. (See John 14:2-3.)

Focus on Him

This idea is just as important on an individual basis, for each of us should be prepared for God to move in our own lives. In an instant, He can call us to witness to someone, pick up and move to a new city, or start a new career. If we’re self-centered, undisciplined, or just too busy to listen, we’ll miss these opportunities and the blessings they would have entailed.

Both corporately, and as individuals, we would do well to model the pregnant woman, feathering her nest with singular focus and determination. Even when it looks strange to the world, or the storms of life prevail, we must make it a priority to get our house in order.

It’s important to remember, though, that we can’t do all this alone. There will come a time when the labor is too intense and our strength fails. There may even be times when our knowledge is lacking and faith must prevail. As a Church, we can rely on each other for various strengths, gifts, and accountability. As individuals, we can call upon our family, friends, and mentors for support.

As the saying goes, we don’t know what the future holds, but we know the One who holds the future—and He is coming! Let us focus on Him as we forge ahead with great joy and expectation!

“Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7 NAS).

In the post above, I shared how we need to rely on others from time to time. Well, this month I’m relying on a few blogger friends to pinch-hit for me while Robby and I get to know our little one. Next week’s post will be from Kristen Hogrefe, author of the Rogues Trilogy. You don’t want to miss it!

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